Here I am, jotting down bit to bit about what I think about life. This is life according to me. -Qarin Almaduri, 22

Best Dream Ever!

It was 12-2 p.m. on 27th September 2016. I had the best dream of my entire existence. Seriously!

In the dream.

I was in the class with my friend, Jamn. The class probably ended early because we were talking and then one of my classmates, which I never talked to, came to us and asked me to follow her to the rectory building because a lecturer is looking for me. So, I followed her. She's cute, though I can't exactly remember how she looked like. But she had this long hair, with cute bangs and lovely smile. I'm instant(probably more instant than your instant noodle and absurd tasting 3 in 1 coffee)ly in love. On top of that, she has this kind of personality that makes you want to protect her. Like that feeling you get when you see a cute kitten sleeping by the roadside in the middle of the night. I feel like taking her home with me and put a blanket on her and make a hot chocolate so that she wouldn't feel as cold as she was. Yes, that kind of feeling.

Anyways, as I follow her to the building, the rain start to pour. Heavily. So, we took a shelter at one of those pondok available around there. She was obviously cold. Then I move closer towards her and we started talking. We talked for so long, but I don't remember what exactly were we talking about. At one point, I was holding her hand and that magical moment came; we kissed. The kind of kiss where you finally met someone you love after they disappear for a very long time. It feels exactly like that. And this girl, she has been missing for 21 years of my life, and oh God, "in that moment, I swear I feel infinite". Yes, I just quoted The Perks of Being a Wallflower. From that moment on, we are no longer strangers, or just classmates, we are two puzzle pieces that fit each other perfectly. I don't care how cringy this sounds like, I'm happy and that's all that matters.

We ended up not going to the rectory building at all. She said that it was her intention to talk to me alone. And oh boy, we definitely did more than just talk.

After classes ended. I find myself along with Jamn, this dream girl and some other friends hanging out in this large cruise. One thing that makes me so happy, is that my dream girl was there with me all day. Some of my friends joke about how quiet were we before all this. Man, I never knew that this gonna happen, but it did. It feels like a dream masa tu. It is, you idiot!

That night, I slept over at her place. The questions of how, why and when don't apply here. It's a dream, so don't ask a thing. Anyways, we slept on the same bed that night and we snuggle all night. Don't get me wrong, there was nothing sexual, it was the most innocent sense of love that I felt at that time. Let me quote John Green to explain this better. 

 “I wanted so badly to lie down next to her on the couch, to wrap my arms around her and sleep. Not fuck, like in those movies. Not even have sex. Just sleep together in the most innocent sense of the phrase. But I lacked the courage and she had a boyfriend and I was gawky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating." -John Green, Looking for Alaska
That was exactly what the snuggle and hugging were like. I'm happier than I was back when we were at the pondok. I don't remember when did I fell asleep but when I woke up the next morning and she wasn't there besides me. Then I went down to the kitchen to look for her. Her parents and auntie were there at the dining table. I go to them and said hi. The auntie wasn't really pleased of me. Then I talked to the father and he likes me which makes the mother likes me as well and that vetoed out the auntie's opinion on me. Take that, bij! My dream was at the kitchen watching we talk and smile whenever we make eye contact. Hehe.

Then 2 of her brothers came to us. One of them asked me for cigarette. Then I said "U2 je ada bang." Fuck, I never buy a pack of U2 myself, why do I have those in my dream? Whatever. Then they went away after gotten a cigarette each. Kerek macam taik. Dahla pau rokok orang, lepastu usha macam hina sangat orang hisap rokok murah ni. It's better to smoke cheap cigs than asking cigs from owner of cheap cigs, okay! Then another brother came and asked me to follow him outside. So I did. He also asked for cigarette. But this oldest brother didn't judge me, he just smoke and talk to me, who I am, where I'm from, why am I interested in her sister -- those kind of questions. It makes me feel both at home and in a lockup, investigated by a cool policeman. But whatever, really, at least I have a guy to talk to. Before he go, he asked me to take a good care of her sister and walked off coolly.

I woke up from my dream a few moments after that. I literally woke up smiling.

But I made a promise to myself after that, I wanna marry to that kind of girl from that kind of family. Yang open gila, and won't force someone to change just because they don't like what I'm doing. Heck, I wish I had grew up in that kind of family. Not that my family is bad, it's just, that's how I wish I'd grow my family up. No judgment whatsoever, just positive vibe everywhere around them. And that ends my lengthy essay on my best dream ever!

Dream big, they say,
M. Qarin Al Maduri